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It's time to take back our homes, our streets, our communities.
Time to stand together in peace and end the violence and abuse - one person, one mind, one heart at a time.

Apr 18, 20231 min read
My2Cents on Cycle Breaking
We can talk about all those things cyclically, handing them down from generation to generation building resentment, fear, hatred...
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Apr 11, 20231 min read
My2Cents on Healing
It is easy to just agree with what everyone is saying and doing. It is much harder to blaze your own trail.
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Apr 11, 20233 min read
March 2023 Update
It's an OptiMyst Thing March was a busy month. We have been working hard in various areas, and are excited to bring new approaches and...
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Apr 11, 20234 min read
Feburary 2023 Update
It's an OptiMyst Thing February, despite being the shortest month, was packed full of OptiMyst work, here is a short summary of the month...
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Feb 4, 20223 min read
OptiMysed News Vol. 1 2022
Everybody dies, but not everyone truly lives. One Life. Live It! Connected Humanity - It's the OptiMyst Way Optimysed Healing OptiMysed...
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Jun 29, 20212 min read
Do you look behind the mask?
So, let's be honest, we all have that little bit of judginess in us. That immediate impression of the tattoos or the designer handbags,...
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Jun 16, 20214 min read
Verhale van Hoop en Geneesing (Vol. 1)
Op die ouderdom van 15 was ek die nuwe kind in die skool. Ek het die meeste van die kinders geken. Maar was nie deel van die groep nie,...
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Jun 16, 20214 min read
Survivor Stories of Hope and Healing (Vol. 1)
At the age of 15, I was the new kid in school. I knew most of the kids, but was not included in the different friendship groups because I...
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Feb 1, 20213 min read
Impossible Possibility not Toxic Positivity
Believe in impossible possibilities.
Believe in the indomitable spirit of humanity.
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Dec 9, 20201 min read
I am not "Strong" I am Journeying
Sometimes we look at people and think they are stronger than us and we could never have that strength, but it isn't true.
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Nov 10, 20202 min read
Healing is for Everyone
Healing isn't only for me - or for the "strong". It's for every victim and every survivor - if they really want it!
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Nov 8, 20201 min read
It's not a Competition
Just because someone went through more or less than you does not negate their pain... or yours.
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Nov 7, 20201 min read
Dare to be Different
No war has ended in equality. Â
Isn't it time we put down the ideology of power, fear, control and status?
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Nov 3, 20203 min read
The Things I will not Do
Today, I find myself looking over the last four years since I left my full-time job to dedicate my life to helping other survivors. What...
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Oct 24, 20201 min read
A Week of Lessons
If this week taught me anything it is that each one needs to reach one.
It taught me that we have a long, long road to connected humanity.
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Oct 23, 20202 min read
Negotiating a Broken System
We desperately need implementation of our progressive laws! I hear so much of these comments: "Just leave and get a protection order", ...
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Oct 22, 20202 min read
What Nobody Taught Me
I learnt a lot from others and for that I thank them. All the mentors who taught me enough to know that I, alone, am responsible for my heal
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